Dein Traderkarriere-Programm in 3 Schritten
Schritt 1: Trader-Grundausbildung
Schritt 2: Mentoring im SIM- bzw. Echtgeldkonto
Schritt 3: Eigenes Konto eröffnen
Alternativ: Fremdkapital über Prop Trading Challenge
Follow this page to receive updates on available on-site positions in our upcoming trading space in Budapest, Hungary (planned for Q3 2022).
Trading Assistant (Intern)
About the Position
Traders work individually and in teams to identify and trade on pricing inefficiencies, develop models and manage risk. Experienced traders teach and oversee new traders who serve as assistants while they learn the ropes, getting increasing responsibility as they demonstrate their abilities.
About You
We are looking for people who have a strong quantitative mind and enjoy working collaboratively to solve challenging problems in a practical setting. Prior knowledge of finance or economics is not expected or required.